The farm "El castañar de Aracena" is located in the Natural Park of Sierra de Aracena and Picos de Aroche. The entrance to the farm is only 2 kms from the town of Aracena, a 750 meters altitude.
It is an ecological chestnut of 15 hectares, closed on its perimeter with stone walls and livestock mesh, that allows the visitor to stroll in private, in the company of family and friends, surrounded by a forest of chestnut trees and ancient cork oaks. Flat terrain and gentle slopes alternate, offering a pleasant walk between shady and sunny areas that favor the diversity of the flora and interesting light games throughout the day.
A fantastic sunset over a profile of mountains.
Autumn offers us the ideal substrate for, together with adequate weather conditions, a wide variety of mushrooms like gallipiernos, tentullos, boletus, Tanas and gurumelos arise spontaneously providing us with unforgettable mycological days and the possibility of enjoying at the table, along with the Jabugo Ham, of another of the delicacies of the Sierra, starring or accompanying dishes of the most traditional gastronomy.
The abundance of food and water that the Sierra offers guarantees a high density of wild animals. It is not difficult to see the fox in El castañar de Aracena or the surroundings, mounted gato, line, badger, meloncillo, wild pig, deer ... Looking up we will see the Black and Griffon Vulture, Golden Eagle, Bonelli's eagle, Short-toed eagle, Azor, Milan negro, Peregrine falcon, Cernícalo, as well as endless little birds.

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CAAE control and certification visits (Andalusian Committee for Ecological Agriculture) guarantee that both the management of the farm and the production of the chestnut are absolutely natural and respectful with the environment. Controlled pruning of chestnut trees is carried out and only herds of sheep and herds of Iberian pigs are used to remove herbs and naturally fertilize the land.
Our main objective is to respectfully manage the environment, caring for and preserving for the future the centuries-old chestnut forest that surrounds the house. Travelers who visit us will be able to enjoy this natural treasure in private.